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The danger of Tucker Carlson

Theodor W Adorno the philosopher and social critic warmed long ago against pre-digested media, being used as an effective tool of authoritarian control.
That is media presented in a form that is so simplistic and seemingly logical that all the thinking about it has already been done for the consumer.
Media, such as music, literature and most importantly news, that is deliver not to the brain but to the emotional centre, designed to trigger prearranged reactions.
Tucker Carlson is the living epitome of this idea, because Tucker Carlson has done the seemingly impossible he has become a caricature of himself, he is his own spitting image puppet, something amusing to look at, while spewing out pre-mocked commentary, that cannot be even piss taken because his rhetoric come with the piss already taken out of it.
People tune in at night to goggle in amazement at the gurning of the rubber faced loon, as his features crawls all over the front of his head in such a funny way, and his voice goes through its register of side-splitting moans and hilarious banshee screams.
If he were not so morbidly fascinating no one would listen to this pile of demi-human detritus. However alas he is fascinating because the Tuck can find a comical reason to shocked and out raged at literally anything. Not only this, but he can present it in such away that to the bone headed he seems to present "news" in such away that it is actually interesting! For instead of going for processing in the brain the outrage and bluster of Tucker Carlson goes directly to the emotive centres of the hindbrain and provokes fear and outrage.
His oratory, is anti satire, amusing twaddle designed not to mock foolishness but to heighten and justify it.

To enable this he seems to have a computer set up in his lair, to generate sentences
1 Adjective
2 plural Noun
3 Preposition or/+Article
4 Noun or proper noun
"Is bad because" insert loony idea here plus comparison with another country who (apparently) don't allow this.

Now this can often be relatively harmless eg.

Tall of the Channel islands is a bad because, "they might poop on your head" that's why they are illegal in Japan

But now and then will churn out a controversial beauty such as

Black Protests in the USA is a bad because, black people scary and they don't allow them in Russia

Democratic Elections in a our country is a bad because, Tuckers guy might not win

or the recent

Pregnant Women in the Army is a bad because, they make he military weak and the Chinese don't do it

Which can then spark a debate with the subject of his attack when he is called on it.
"There is nothing wrong with pregnant women serving in the military"
answered with
Nasty Military disagreeing with Tucker is a bad because, is declaring war on freedom of press! Like in Muslim Land!!!! Oooo Scary.

LenHazell53 9 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Carlson need to be neutered, for the sake of humanity.


Ah, you've read Adorno too. However, I don't waste time on TC or Fox.

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