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Coronavirus: How the common cold can boot out Covid

The virus that causes the common cold can effectively boot the Covid virus out of the body's cells, say researchers.

Some viruses are known to compete in order to be the one that causes an infection.

And University of Glasgow scientists say it appears cold-causing rhinovirus trumps coronavirus.

Petter 9 Mar 23

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is that another trump idea


You try it first...I have gotten both my Pfizer shots!

I've had first BioNtech shot. Second due on Saturday.
Meanwhile, I advise people who haven't been dosed to "get snotty". 😝😝


I thought so too.
I also admire UK for being way, way ahead of Spain on vaccinating people.

@Petter yes, so many people volunteering to help out, they’re brilliant. The centres are really well organised too.

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