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Are there Easter Sex Crazed Aliens Penetrating Earthlings or ESCAPE artists from the other side of our galaxy? Maybe, possibly, can't say it doesn't happen, just don't know for sure?

Should we be agnostic about these potential beings?

Or will imagined higher powers be sufficient?

Should we wait until further lack of evidence mounts before dispensing with the label agnostic?

waitingforgodo 8 Mar 31

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Rape by aliens may be related to blue nitro ghb date rape drugs. Memories are distorted or inaccessible thus can appear like silhouettes or shadowy creatures. I don't think belief in aliens is religion. Someone said it is arrogant to be convinced in the vast universe the only life that exists would be ourselves. Some take it farther as though there is only their own perspective that exists


Growing something out back, are ya?

What you describe could be the inexorable gateway to gardening.


The label agnostic would mean I entertain the possibility of anything supernatural or anything but fade to black and turn into compost. I don't.

Ok you entertain, I'll pour the drinks and we'll get the crowd to check the labels on their profiles.

@waitingforgodo You and the crowd label yourself whatever you want. I'm an Atheist and I think most of the "crowd" is as well.

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