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I eat everything.

Seriously, I eat every fruit, vegetable and animal on the planet.

I do have some principles - I will always go for organic and free range where I can. Just because the animal ends up on my plate, I don't want it to suffer. It also generally tastes better.

But otherwise I am uncompromising.

I know there are some dedicated vegans/vegetarians on this site, so I'm interested in a discussion (not an argument, a discussion).

Is it bad to eat everything, and if so why?

Palindromeman 7 Apr 15

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im sorry im not a vegan/ vegetarian but i would like to put my 2 cents in. i eat most things, except baby animals and organ meat. i don't hold it against anyone who does, just not my thing. but i will say from experience, when we raised our own meat in my family, we knew they had a good quality of life and were killed as quickly and painlessly as we knew how. im not saying this means the dying part is any better, but we didnt do things like let them all watch each other die or let them bleed out slow. and i know they probably still knew their friends and family were dying, but we tried to have some respect. i always liked what i heard about a lot of native american tribes, they would thank whatever gave its life for them, be it an animal or a plant, they had some respect. i also think its important to use as much of an animal as you know how. if your gonna kill it, don't waste it. i know not everybody feels the same and thats cool, just how i live my life.

Byrd Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

I had a wonderful eating weekend myself, but it didn't include any animal products. I made home made tortillas that I topped with jackfruit carnitas, salsa, cilantro, and red onion. I also made "ice cream" from bananas, cocoa powder, almond milk, and vanilla, topped with chopped pecans. While I'm not totally vegan (yet) I try very hard to limit my animal product consumption (I am vegetarian, and have been for almost 6 years). I just feel you can live a very healthy life and not consume animals. People get in an uproar over the dogs in South Korea that get eaten, yet have no problem consuming a burger, bacon, ham sandwich, etc. A living creature is a living creature, no matter what it is. One can't pick and choose which animal is okay to eat and which isn't. This is my opinon. I don't preach veganism or vegetarianism to anyone. I just know what I want to put in my body, and I feel good about not eating animals, or too many animal products. I can live with myself, and my choices.

Precisely. Which is why I eat everything, nose to tail.


You really think free range chickens don't suffer? I strongly encourage you to look that up on YouTube.

There's really no way to eat a conscious being without making it suffer. Could anyone eat you without you suffering?

It is now known that plants suffer too. Where does that leave us?

A good question. Last time I checked I was still top of the food tree, so I think I'm travelling fairly well.

@evidentialist link to evidence, please.

@Lysistrata -- Because they don't suffer in the same way we do does not negate their suffering. I'm being lightly tongue-in-cheek here, but the notion is valid.


It's ridiculous and insulting.

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