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Just finished watching Elmer Gantry. The female lead loosely based on Aimee Semple McPherson.


Love checking out the multiple links. Didn’t realize how much it differed from the book.


WilliamCharles 8 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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In some things she was rather progressive and groundbreaking, and she also helped bring about denominations carving out their turf as a business while having an ecumenical outreach whose alliances would wax and wane.


She debated a famous atheist of the day. His court cases were interesting.


In 1937 Smith took over as an editor of The Truth Seeker, a free-thought magazine in New York City, where he continued as editor until his 1964 death.[12] During his editorship, he subtitled The Truth Seeker as "The Journal for Reasoners and Racists".[13]


This publication had a great early period, hit some twisted racist years, and then returned somewhat proudly.


Wasn't aware they survived to the present


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