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I watched this video with interest. Sad, actually.

A taboo subject until very recently, Canada’s Indian Residential Schools took away generations of indigenous children from their parents. In an attempt by Canada to educate and evangelise these people viewed as savages, indigenous people were brutally separated from their culture and often abused. A documentary on the traumatic experiences of Canada’s First Nations people and their fight for recognition and justice.


For decades, indigenous people have been marginalised, discriminated and abused all over the world, and when they are treated badly in developed countries, they are like victims of civilisation. I don't understand why their indigenous cultures, let alone their communities, have to be destroyed.

Ryo1 8 Apr 24

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Why just pick on Canada? Australia did it to the Aborigines, USA did it to native tribes.....

I said "For decades, indigenous people have been marginalised, discriminated and abused all over the world". Read the others' comments, too. Let me know if you can find a documentary that covers all oppressed and marginalised indigenous people in the world; I would be interested in watching it.


White Christians taking over the savages of the world. Uh, huh!


It is the European model. It has been done in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and all of the countries colonized by European nations.

Meanwhile, there are indigenous people in Japan, called Ainu. The Ainu were oppressed and marginalised for centuries.

@Ryo1 But White people travel the globe to do this. The Japanese, not so much.


I believe they did the same thing with the aboriginal children in Australia too.

Hi there. Yes, I read somewhere that they tried to breed out the aboriginal genes or something... terrible.

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