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I am getting sick and tired of dipshits, tRump Republican types spouting their bs about the first amendment and Facebook. If they would just read the constitution and the first five words of the 1st amendment - "Congress shall make no laws" maybe their hypocrisy could be turned against them. They sure want religious institutions to be able to make their own rules and be legally able to ban people. Facebook is a company, and no matter what you think about it, it can set its own rules of participation. Maybe, someone should start going into churches and telling the ministers, "I think you are full of bullshit. I have a constitutional right to be here and express my opinion."

Beowulfsfriend 9 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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You know, I think that's a very good idea. It would take some courage but that's exactly what they do in the public square every day.


You are correct. Republicans are fucked up.

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