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Are gay people unnatural or natural sexually?

GodlessFist 4 May 6

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Why do you want to know?


Is being straight unnatural or natural to you? Does other people’s sexuality interest or concern you? If so, why?

If by natural you mean occurring in nature, then yes, but then that is not to say all behaviours occurring in nature are those we would want to emanate. So your question seems to be:

  1. Assuming that behaviours found in nature are ok?
  2. Assuming that we are right in judging how other people live their lives, even if they are consenting adults and would not interfere in our sexual practices given the same criteria, (consenting adults).

Seems to me that any of us who follows our natural instinct to who is sexually satisfying to us is natural. To follow social conventions rather than natural instinct seems unnatural. As long as sexual behavior is consensual and creates happiness for all involved, it seems healthy to me and unhealthy to deny that happiness in ourselves and others. These are my general thoughts on what I'm guessing is your question.


Please reword your question. What you are asking is unclear and could be misconstrued.

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