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Science is not exact. Learning from experimentation and observation is how scientists try to understand issues. In the beginning, COVID did not even have a name and working for Trump is a nightmare. Trump is on record calling it a "Hoax." If Trump had listened to top doctors warned, there would be many more deaths re-opening from lockdown too fast. Trump would not listen to anyone and tied Dr. Fauci's hands. People refused to social distance, wear a mask, and many now will not get a vaccine. Yes, Fauci did say masks were not required, and that was wrong. But in fairness, nobody knew what was going on. But it was not a "Hoax." Leaders lead by example—and Trump was the boss. It is NEVER his fault; Trump plays the blame game; 600,000 are dead, and it is Trump's legacy. And Dr. Fauci is being made a fall guy.

Tourirst 7 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Japan solved it first.
It’s easily cured.



Yes, we learnt a lot from the previous two pandemics, and the Bush and Obama had some excellent preparations made and a good plan for what to do when the next one arrived. Trump gutted the prep work, and when the pandemic arrived threw out the plan. And as a result America was hit far worse than it needed to be, hundreds of thousands of lives needlessly lost.

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