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Pe timp de ploaie in mediul cosmoterrian poluat si foarte poluat, e mai bine sa stam la adapost. Umbrela nu prea e de folos. []
CosmoTerr-alert! I am launching a global alert against the globomafionazism which afflicts, divides and consumes our suffering TerraFamilyShip. (...) TerraProtectivity before productivity. tipibipi Basta toxic, insufficiently tested nutrimedicaments, vaccines etc. See Stop globalnik caca(ca)pitalist greed! Change the abusive globosystems!

tipi 7 June 16

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I have just listened to a Podcast where the content of this site was discussed. [] hope it helps.


Nu sunt mulți vorbitori de limba română aici, dar vă asigur că mulți dintre noi suntem atât de preocupați de mediu la fel ca și dumneavoastră. Cu toate acestea, foarte puțini sunt suficient de nebuni pentru a da clic pe linkuri cu care nu avem cunoștință.

There are not many Romanian speakers here, but I assure you that many of us are as concerned about the environment as you are. However, very few are crazy enough to click on links we don't know about.

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