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Phillips Respironics has issued a massive warning about its' CPAP, BiPAP, & Ventilators. Everyone except those on Ventilators is advised to immediately discontinue their use.
Phillips has a phone line & a website set up to register for repair/replacement. Yresterday i tried both, the phone line is not taking new calls, their online site crashed 6 times before i was able to register my CPAP......i had hopes because it was a new one in February, but nope, it's effected, stop using it.
You can find out if it is effected from the serial number on the bottom of the stubborn about registering!!!
My sleep apnea doctor confirmed all of word on when there will be help. Trying to sleep propped up with pillows, moved to the recliner about 4am....feel like Hell & my neck hurts today!

AnneWimsey 9 June 19

Enjoy being online again!

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It is a shame that you had to go through this. The medical industry is another scam!


I’m sorry to hear that. I know it’s terribly frustrating and irritating. They ought to have learned not to piss off Anne by now


Did the say Why they're recalling it?..You should be thoroughly pissed..

You've seen the link in my comment below. For anyone else who's curious (as I was) they used a foam sound abatement element that apparently on rare occasions can break down (and even be accidentally ingested).


You've probably seen this but just in case -- a Philips update.
Good Luck.🤗

RichCC Level 8 June 19, 2021

Just another thing you didn't need, I wish there was something I could do to help. 🙁


Hope awful! I'm sorry you have to deal with this.

Since these are such medically required devices, I'd hope they'd act with some immediacy, perhaps paying you to get a replacement machine from another manufacturer? Or do they expect you to just wait it out?

Lauren Level 8 June 19, 2021

No word on that yet......


Have you ever tried or considered using the oral device?

"ORAL DEVICE"????? Tell me more!
I was Not-breathing 87 times per hour in sleep testing, consider myself lucky I only need a nasal-pillow type mask. But I think it will be a long road to get a replacement, based on yesterday's experiences. Would be Very interedted in Anything for the interim!

@AnneWimsey I HATED the CPAP machine. I slept awful with it … it would leak every time I shifted, waking me up and making me mess with it to get it sealed again. I slept AWFUL with it — I felt even more tired than before.

There are dentists that specialize in sleep apnea. They make a mold of your teeth to create an upper and lower retainer that pushes out your bottom jaw a little bit to open up your airway. They can adjust it as needed until they get the right size opening in your throat.

The thing I love about it is I put it in and go to sleep as before … no freaking contraptions on my face or sprawled across my body. Plus it’s small; I can put it in my carryon bag to travel. And it requires no electricity, so no problems for power outages or if you go camping or places without electricity.

@Apunzelle thanks so much for this Iinfo! I knew nothing about it, seems very interesting!
I hear ya about the shifting/waking = The Worst! Air blowing across my eyelashes, Aaarrrrgh!
I will Google those dentists, & also call my sleep doctor Monday (don't actually expect much there, as they have vested interests in CPAP machines)
Update! There is a dentist less than 3 miles from me with a site discussing this! Maybe this whole mess could be a Good thing in the long run!

@AnneWimsey So happy to hear this! Good luck with getting it taken care of. ❤️

@Apunzelle update, I called that dentist just 3 miles away that specializes in the device. After a short phone interview with his nurse, she told me sadly it wouldn't work for me. With my high degree of apnea, don't bother coming in, it couldn't do the job. She was very nice about it, but very fIrm.
Meanwhile it has been approx 3 months since the recall, and....crickets.......

@AnneWimsey Oh no! I’m soooo sorry to hear this update. 😣

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