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I just had all my windows in my new house double glazed. No longer does it feel like living in a fridge.

Jolanta 9 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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When we moved in to our (it's older) house (it's an amazing property) 20 years ago that was the first change we made and we're hugely thankful to this day.

Good job.😃

RichCC Level 8 June 27, 2021

How cold is it down what toilets flush backwards? It's 90°F 33°C here in Philly.

barjoe Level 9 June 27, 2021

Well at the moment the daytime temperature is approximately 57.2 F. Not nice especially if it rains or it's windly.

@Jolanta Today is going to be 97°. I'll trade for 57° in a heartbeat.

@barjoe You are on there. Bring it here at once.

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