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The best synopsis of the politics behind immigration I have ever read:

Why didn’t Trump do anything about the biggest source of illegal immigrants, those who overstayed their visa?
To be blunt, the Republican Party doesn’t actually care about immigration, illegal or otherwise. That should be fairly obvious to everyone by now: their purpose in talking about it so much is to get the Democratic Party on the “wrong side” of the issue, in order to win the GOP votes at election time.

Donald Trump’s wall, as you’ve obviously noticed, was just an expensive extension of that same approach: appearing to be doing something whilst actually doing nothing. Building a wall doesn’t do a damn thing, particularly since it a) could be climbed over (as was proven several times), b) kept falling over, c) didn’t cover obvious possible points of entry, like the Rio Grande and, as you noted, d) because the vast majority of people staying in the US illegally entered legally and simply overstayed their visas.

Now, the way we know that the GOP don’t give a damn about immigration is twofold: firstly, because a fairly large number of Republican businessmen (including Donald Trump) have frequently hired illegal immigrants as a source of cheap labour. Secondly, and here’s the most important part, they could resolve illegal immigration simply by enforcing the current law. If you arrest/fine every American businessman that hires illegals, there’ll be no work for them to take on the US side of the border…and no reason to emigrate illegally.

Why don’t they do this? Easy: because, in addition to alienating American businessmen, it would resolve the ‘problem’. The Republicans can’t solve the ‘problem’, because then they lose something that they can use to garner votes. As long as immigration is an electoral issue, they can campaign on it, and use it to get votes.

Of course, that’s only part of it. The other part is that they can keep attacking the Democratic Party on the basis of being ‘weak’ on national security, and for letting too many immigrants into the United States, thereby ‘taking jobs from hard-working Americans’ (not that most Americans would care to do the arduous jobs in question for the pathetic wages involved)…you’re familiar with the rhetoric, I’m sure.

Trump didn’t do anything about the issue because it was in the Republican Party’s interest that the issue remain unsolved. That’s true of a lot of GOP talking points, I might add. Look at the number of times that the Republicans have claimed that they have the solution…and look how many times they’ve actually resolved an issue. They’ll tell you that they know of the perfect approach, the best solutions ever, but when it comes time to implement them…

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Yes, that's exactly correct. It's now a political tool for winning elections.


A short timeline of what I know of immigration from Central America:

It would start with US foreign policy during the Cold War — America gave money to every anti-communist ruler and didn’t care how he treated his nation’s people.

A longer timeline would include the US Marines under Smedley Butler’s command, Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctrine.

Do others see the timeline similarly?

An atheist, I see the immigrants’ religiosity as a collateral problem.


Pretty much. Illegal immigration, like the weather, is a constant to be effectively managed, not a crisis that can be solved. Then there's the fact that undocumented people are less likely to commit crime than legal residents, pay a higher share of taxes, and make essentially no use of public services. And by all sober economic analysis are a net gain to the economy. Facts long ago ceased to matter to the evangelical right, or more accurately, they make up the "facts" to fit their fearmongering narrative.

Exactly so. I'm always amazed by those who say they have no problems with immigrants as long as they "carry their papers on them." You hear this all over the media. What papers are we talking about? Nobody immigrates to America and carries papers. A green card maybe or other ID. Homeland Security says do not carry your papers on you. There are no police stopping and arresting people after checking for papers.

@DenoPenno Actually the Border Patrol does. I was on a train nowhere near Canada, and not going to Canada, but the border patrol went through the train checking people's papers. They took at least one person off the train.


Nailed it

bobwjr Level 10 June 28, 2021
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