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1972 study predicted world collapse by 2040 - New research shows we're right on track.
Generally, at this point, I would insert a few lines of funny ha-ha stuff here. Heart not in it tonight. But this is going to happen. Why is this? Because the world can't sustain a non-stop growth cycle. It is NOT sustainable. Until we stop doing this, and we will NOT change, the world will do it for us—The End.

Tourirst 7 July 28

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Nothing can sustain a non-stop growth cycle forever. That is such an obvious bit of basic mathematical truth in a finite universe, that you just have to goggle at the fact that, our so called political elite, have used it as the standard economic ideal for more than a century. Cognitive dissonance rules the world or what.


The Miami building collapse is the perfect example of why this is true, although the date may be a bit off and one's definition of "world collapse" may differ by location. In Miami the owners argued for years and years about he seriousness of the concrete degradation. They disagreed on just what needed to be done, when, how much to pay and who should pay more, or less. Investors didn't want to pay anything. Some sold and moved elsewhere. Some denied there was even a serious problem. Some threatened to sue the board. Sound like the climate crisis we're in today? Just months before the building collapse were enough owners convinced to hammer out a deal and sign a contract. Oops, too late. Those owners experienced their "world collapse" for sure. I think that's where we are today with the climate crisis. Our so-called "leaders" have acted just like the Miami condo owners... kicking the hard solutions down the road to the next owners (next generation). It's now actually prohibitively expensive to repair the damage. There's not enough resources on the planet to do it. Nobody is saying it, but the climate collapse is now a certainty. There are just too many selfish and greedy individuals to get the bill paid that's now long overdue. This article explains why you'll NEVER get people to agree to invest in repair now, when kicking it down the road to the next generation seems a better solution, to some.


That pretty much sums up humanity's response to far too many issues. We argue about it for years and decades until finally something collapses. Then it's "I told you so" and "thoughts and prayers" and the cycle repeats. Meanwhile, someone is getting rich/richer because of it.


Latest estimate I read (last year…or the one before - I think everything that happened in 2019 was “last year” ) is 2050.


Awwww... crud. You mean I have to wait 19 more years for the end of the world? By then I'll be too old to truly enjoy it. 😟

I think you can tack ten more onto that. And, btw, you’re welcome from all the people who HAVE been decreasing their carbon footprint for the last thirty years.

@MsKathleen "And, btw" I am one of those people. "And, btw" Are you one of those people?

@Tourirst certainly, I would not otherwise have brought it up. My home has 26 solar panels that produce a little more electricity than I use, I am a hard core recycler, buy clothes at thrift stores and on eBay, and walk anywhere I can manage. Additionally, I take my hazardous waste (batteries, printer cartridges, etc.) to our local hazardous waste site twice per year. Here is a screen shot of my solar system production for the last 3.5+ years…note that it equates to planting more than 555 trees…and the CO2 emissions saved.

It has already started, Charles.

@MsKathleen Wonderful. I wish you were running the world as men suck at it.

@Tourirst lol…I have often said, “they don’t let me run the world. If they did, it would work a whole lot better than it does”.

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