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Wearing masks is such a minor inconvenience and so simple to do. People who see it otherwise are simply selfish assholes who put their so called “personal liberties” before the health of their colleagues, family, and friends! 😉

Aaron70 7 Aug 7

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When I was a child we were inconvenienced by NOT GOING TO THE MOVIE THEATER due to polio. In the 1950s, movie theaters were one of the few places where you could spend a lot of time in an air conditioned space. Movies were a summer norm.

Then we all lined up and got vaccinated in school. And polio has become a footnote in history.


Many are just bullshit, political crap


They have never understood COMMON COURTESY


Some people liken it to wearing a life vest on a sinking ship... If you don't believe the ship is sinking, you have a right not wear a life vest, or reserve a life boat, and have a right to chain yourself to the anchor in solidarity with others who don't believe the ship is in danger of sinking. BUT, unfortunately with a virus, we are all connected, so if you chain yourself to the anchor, to go down with the ship IF it happens, that chain can snag us too, even if we're wearing a life vest. Perhaps a wacky analogy, but I often think in metaphors. Won't change anyone's mind, but I've tried every which way to understand the way some of my friends are so adamant against wearing masks or taking the vaccine.


Decreasing population will further delay global warming. Win-win.


i think it's the same folks who can't park well.

As though there might be some correlation.


Their lack of mask is their badge of honor. I interpret it as dishonor though.


Like you say. "Wearing masks is such a minor inconvenience and so simple to do." Can not doing it therefore really be counted as a "Liberty", in any real meaningful sense of the word.

But then protesting against masks is also easy to do, and a cheap way to virtue signal. It is not like defending your neighbors equal right to a vote, or get health care, is it, now those cost you.

Your statement makes zero sense.

As far as whether or not wearing a mask is a liberty, I could give a fuck!?
I started wearing one long before most folks even new what covid was. I started wearing one simply because on the off chance it would help people, it was the least I could do! WE’RE SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT OTHERS ENOUGH TO WEAR A FUCKING MASK!!
Fuck people and their selfish abhorrent “liberty” argument!😉

@Buck Try reading it carefully and properly, you will find that I am agreeing with you. Sorry it is a bit curt, I wrote under time pressure.

@Buck We are all one and we are supposed to take care of each other. Period.

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