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This is where we have to start.

AntaresRose 8 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Nailed It!

Coldo Level 8 Apr 20, 2018

Thank you. It is nice to know others feel the same.


I watched a documentary last night on our local PBS station. It was well done, besed all on scientific facts. All I can san is worst scenario is by 2100, if we don't changle the pollution climate change issues around, all of the eartch will experience global warming. For instance New York would see many, many more 95 degree days than ever. They said some areas would warm as much as 15 degrees.They gave many positive ways to begin to counteract these effects. Now we must express our desire to implement them.

In the USA we need to educate, if possible, the electorate to the idiocy of voting for campaign slogans and look at a politicians past ethics on global warning, then vote.

@buzz13 I totally agree. Get from a candidate what they are most passionate about. if it isn't fixing the global warming, don't vote them in.

I think this is what you saw. See it here FREE.

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