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Okay Happy 420 and I know this could go in a weed related group but it's about NOT getting high from weed lol.. It's about the medical benefits without the high!


Although in the second vid John Explains he got high for ten hours by accident the technique for using weed for medicine is essentially shown here.. You juice it without oil .. No high .. all the benefits.. Juice only leaf material not flowers !!!

People seem to think getting high is a reason not to use it medically ;0 🙂 you don't have to get high it's bad info ! 🙂

Nickbeee 8 Apr 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Mary Jaynemas, Nickbee!


hmm, by accident.....


Seriously, if we have to deal with more years of a tRump administration, they just need to legalize weed already, so we can "don't worry, be happy."


I don't care about the medicinal qualities. Does that sht f&k you up?


I watch John's videos all the time! He once got in trouble with City Authorities for growing plants all over his property, including in his bathroom. He told them to go fly a kite. He's a tad over the top in his enthusiasm and delivery of content but he does his homework. We can all learn alot from John. That's my opinion.

Much respect dude.. Love the guy ... he is completely all over the place but somehow very focussed isn't he!!

I really respect him for what he does .. I watch his vids too and love his garden.. The work he does with the soil web LABS Bokashi and living soil is unreal. Very few scientists in the world get that to be honest.. He is a really positive person Imo!! Definitely never stop learning from the guy!!

@Nickbeee True!


Totally forgot. Which reminds me. I should switch from alcohol to pot.

Or do both in moderation! ?


You definetly look like a stoner.

Happy 420, brother???


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