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How to start your own local chapter/affilliate of the American Humanist Organization.

1.) Check on [] and make sure one doesn't already exist in your area. If it does, join theirs.

2.) Gather 4 other people besides yourself, get their emails, and apply here.

3.) Someone from the organization will call you, make sure you have researched the organization and are a fit. You can set up a meetup. page, fb page etc. They will advise you to create your own website and offer support if that is an issue.

4.) You will want to have meetings. AHA will provide free print material. You cannot directly endorse a politician for election, but you can advise members to vote for a politician that conforms to our ideals.

5.) Contact me if you need a mentor.

UrsiMajor 8 Sep 7

Enjoy being online again!

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The application form explains the difference between a chapter and an affiliate:

Chapters have a close relationship with the AHA and therefore receive preference when it comes to the allocation of resources. Chapters must have at least 5 AHA members and submit annual membership list to the AHA.

Affiliates are more independent from AHA receive and benefits from the AHA with a minimal amount of commitment. Affiliates must have at least 5 members and can become Chapters of the AHA at any time.

Do you have more specific information or advice on the difference between chapters and affiliates? What sort of resources might a chapter get that an affiliate would not? How might a chapter be more constrained?

(I didn't intend to emphasize that third paragraph - the font size is just a glitch.)

@nicestuff You know what I know from the website. I don't have to send a list of members annually to the organization which works for me.


When the deeds done by people for the betterment of humanity can be erased by one wealthy person or person in power then what is the point. I prefer nihilism nothing we do matters just live your life.

Not true. I have made some solid friends and am astounded by the level of experience and knowledge of one member. Running these meetings will make me a better speaker and do better at interviewing as well. If enough people fight the power, we will win.


The one near me had restaurant dinners, indoors, throughout 2020....not meeting a bunch of idiots on purpose!

I had a meeting in public with fully vaxed people only a couple of months ago. I changed meetings to zoom only. I believe in lockdown during these strange times. Other leaders may think differently.

@UrsiMajor it was even before vaccines....Indoors?
Eating/drinking obviously unmasked? Seriously something wrong with them, very disappointing!
I did not renew my Singles Club Membership (the one I was President of for 5+ years) either...every Newsletter, all last year, featuring a photo of arm-in-arm unmasked attendees at "whatever".
If I had gone & refused to partake in the photo, well, you knooow how a bunch of women would be about it......

@AnneWimsey Could you offer to start zoom meetings for people who feel the way you do? I told fully vaccinated members they could have their own outings without me. No takers so far.

@UrsiMajor when I am done, I am done. Have found out I'd rather cut brush, the yard has never looked better

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