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Hedging their bets, Pfizer buys candidates on both sides of the aisle. []

BDair 8 Sep 9

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Wanna get a shot?

No thank you, I would prefer not to.


So, buying politicians is business as usual for Big Pharma, which has the biggest lobby in DC. The result has been massive profits for Big Pharma, and a major decline in health by the general population.

@BDair The real problem is sheep-like right-wingers refusing to get vaccinated on political, not scientific, grounds.

There are plenty of scientific grounds to refrain from being jabbed. There is no reason to be vaccinated for a virus that adversely affects less 1% of the population with an experimental genomic product when there are proven protocols for prevention and treatment. Millions of people recovered from infection with Covid before the release of the vaccines. The vaccines do not prevent infection or spread of a virus. Thousands of people have suffered permanent disabilities and death after being vaccinated.

@BDair That's an incredibly stupid thing to say, if you'll excuse my rudeness. Almost 700,000 have died in the U.S. alone. The vaccine has been proven safe and effective, and if it were not for the ignorant, biased right-wing looney tunes among us (apparently including you), the Delta variant would've hardly caused a ripple.
I totally resent and am disgusted by people who think like you.
I guess Trump really won the election too, right?
Totally ridiculous and pathetic.

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