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I get intrigued by people like the man in the video and their behaviour. It is a peculiar world people like him get trapped in, and they are dead serious. Delusional? It's easy to mock them, laugh at them, etc., but seriously, what is it that influences (or intoxicates rather) their minds to such an extent that they can't wake up? Perhaps, ex-theists could explain.


Ryo1 8 Oct 3

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They are brainwashed. If that goes what do they have?

the same commnt, as a generality, could be made about the obsessive mind set on this webcite. the topics most critical to human society are filtered out entirely in favor of beating on that tired old anti religious drum.

@holdenc98 Not everyone is obsessive.


Conditioning. These people have delusions that were created and shaped by others, with social support as the reward. When I see people speak in tongues and flop on the ground, I have to keep in mind that they know full well that they're in complete control, but it's what their support group wants to see, and so they stick to the charade to please them and the invisible monster (just in case it's watching).


Only watched a few seconds. Someone has serious mental problems.

we all have serious mental problems. KOYAANISQUATSI.

@holdenc98 Some are more serious than others.

@JackPedigo what is that, sarcasm for the already sarcastic? ............ what i was driving at, in my sometimes seriously vague , incomplete "talking to myself" , and hopefully to be refined and republished way, is that when you see the manifestation of our routine un noticed behavior problems AS A COLLECTIVE, quite apart from any personal psychological problems we might have as individuals while jockeying for status and regard among other individuals, in becomes obvious that the former are magnitudes more serious than the latter, while to latter takes all our attention. in fact the former, while given LITTLE OR NO ACTUAL NOTICE in our daily lives, in fact its relegated only to the realm of pius disregarded pronouncements in public forums, and pius pointless gestures like " recycling". actually it creates the "life out of ballance" that KOYAANISQUATSI, and me its latter day humble messenger, drone on about endlessly and everywhere. because were killing huge swaths the bio sphere with this set of collective behaviors newly aquired by our whole species not so gradually just 200 years ago, and accelerating like crazy. were killing ourselves and taking most of the vertibrates with us. in the light of this fact what kind of collective behavior is it not to be wailing about it, all of us, 24 hours a day? instead we fucus on some irrelevant religious loon? WE ALL HAVE SERIOUS MENTAL PROBLEMS.


Your sincere curiosity is commendable.
Too many folks are so ready to condemn, without the least curiosity.

H.sapiens is evolved to find food, safety, mates, and meaning, but not necessarily objective truth. The man in the video is a normal, healthy, natural human animal (slated for a natural extinction).

If we can’t find the same love of our natural fellow humans that we profess for objective truth, we probably won’t be able to avoid that extinction. We are truly in it together. His fate is our fate. Love him. Teach him. Gently. By example if nothing else. Exemplify universal compassion.

skado Level 9 Oct 3, 2021

What do you mean by objective truth? I don't think there is an objective truth. Truth is subjective not objective.

its not a " natural extinction" when it literally creates thesixth mass extinction in its catasstrophic wake.
its called the anthropocene extinction, created completely by a single species only 200,000 years old . take a closer look at this species as a whole before you waste any more of your time fretting what some individual nut case thinks about what non enistant god. in short... it too late, stop hiding.

and no, "love" is not the answer. forced population control i and eugenics are a lrrge part of the answer

If there were no objective truth man would not have walked on the moon, and we wouldn’t be having this discussion on the internet. Science would not work. The objective truth is that which exists independent of anybody’s subjective truth.

@skado Objective truth would exist outside of the mind. Subjective truth comes from the mind. Going to the moon was due to human made tech and science.

Yes, yes, and yes.
Science is the business of detecting objective truth.


yes, as our species careens towards extinction. the combined voices of its more extreme nut cases make in interesting side show. at this point they are of no consequence at all... its way too late to matter. instead of an amusing anaesthetic, why not memorialize your mind. give it a whopping dose of the relevant reality of what we are, in sum total, and what we always have been, since our cursed seed took root in this biosphere. watch the movie koyaanisquatsi. its free on vimeo, courtesy of i don't know what good force.

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