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Facebook, and WhatsApp & Instagram, are down!

KateOahu 8 Oct 4

Enjoy being online again!

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It was the best promotion of Telegram. Durov has got millions of new users in less than a day, lmao. The world so hurries up, even 1 day is enough to give up the platform. By the way, Mark Zuckerberg announced a "meta-world" that will combine all his services. I can't wait to see his "world" is down, haha. The only real reason why his services are so popular is good monetization and plenty of third-party services, such as Otherwise, I don't see a reason to use his heavily censored and lagging platforms.

Brodi Level 3 Nov 5, 2021

Good start


Good to know! I thought it might be a local issue. Guess I will gain an hour of time this morning I usually waste scrolling through FB posts!


I guess I'm mildly proud that I didn't notice. Ha, ha.🙂

Apparently, since 5 p.m. yesterday. I found out around 10 this morning. I do keep tabs on my fb friends almost daily.


FB is working normally in the U.K…I’ve just checked on it.

@Matias Well you may say so….the country has gone to shit, but Boris seems to be made of Teflon, none of the chaos seems to dent his popularity with the majority of the electorate. Shortages in the shops and no fuel at the pumps just happened…like magic, nothing to do with Brexit at all according to him! I think we are going to regret leaving the EU later, but at the moment COVID has masked the fact that this Tory government is basically incompetent, without any real plan or blueprint for the future and our PM is principally a liar with no ethics or scruples.

@Marionville Well said, I heartily concur.

@MarkWolf I’m sad though for the country and the future.

@Marionville It’s awful. And yet so many people like having an idiot buffoon as prime minister. I despair.

@MarkWolf Me too…it’s beyond me why he’s so popular.


Their border gateway protocol routes have been withdrawn from the internet. I say there is a good chance this is an outside actor…potentially China.

Don't forget, Putin has a huge grudge because Trump lost. Probably blames FB, Twitter and so on for banning him. Russia has great hackers.

@Paul4747 you’re right…Aaaaaaaaaaand, there is North Korea to consider.

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