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Anybody care about a missing blonde over all the other people who are missing in the country, world? Funny, people are crying over Facebook making money over pushing hate, meanwhile all the networks are making money over a missing blonde and her boyfriend

Do you care about a missing blonde?

  • 10 votes
  • 2 votes
lerlo 8 Oct 6

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Blonde white girl syndrome


I don't know if I care because I didn't know they were missing.


You forgot option C: Yes I care about the blond AND all the other missing people.....
In my statistics class we would have dubbed your survey to be a β€œloaded” question....πŸ˜‰

@Buck You're free to post any poll you wish. Not loaded if there are two choices. Notice the 2nd choice is silent about all the other missing people you care about--that would be your option. Just because YOU read the POLL question "Do you care about a missing blonde?" to exclude all other missing people doesn't make it so.

@lerlo you’re the one that only gave two options when people clearly fall into several categories....really fuck off already dumb ass....πŸ˜‰

@lerlo Some fucking poll, more like a big fucking joke!πŸ™ƒ


What missing blond ?

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