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Is the adverage vaxxers a dick or a pussy DP? I don't care if many think I am a- hole for asking this question. Because unless it harms, the word allow, is my least favorite word, slaves love it.
A Vaxxers may think privacy is for criminals. So is cryptocurrency. Many probably think I want to keep my medical records private or what goes into my body choices is criminal. No, I Rule only to be honest, don't harm for self then to others.
Plus freedom and peace is awesome.

The average vaxxers thinks the government cares about him and trusts everything in the mainstream media. Especially that death-by-vax is fake news. You could be a DP

A a- vaxxers doesn’t wonder why pilots want to block the Covid vax mandate, Or why Southwest just canceled over 1,800 flights. Maybe a DP

If a-vaxxers likes to wear a mask because it’s for the greater good. And thinks the unvaxxed should be fired from their jobs. Or evicted from their homes – for the greater good.

Vaxxers also pays tax for the greater good and supports universal income… and money printing. For the greater good.They wants the experimental vaccine so he can travel again. Vaxxers are okay with lining up for his booster shots to infinity, because, they follows the science and thinks that everyone else should do the same.
One vaxxer loves telling you so on social media.
One could be DP

A vaxxers are proud to be a nationist or globalist like a fox guarding a hen house. They would not ever get hammered on the high seas, always play it safe by one world order, State and Banksters.
Vaxxers could be brainwashed, compliant sheeple DP

I don't mind so much Globalist depopulation, I do mind my choices in life or living a lie of modern slavery, more hidden and larger now then any other time in history.

Castlepaloma 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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God knows when you'll catch it so I'll just say bye-bye now.

Got medicine far superior than vaccines ready for any mutations or Frankenstein style it turns into. It's not even a vaccine.


So you disregard science and common sense just because you believe the government is controlling you, why don't you do that in every area of your life? Destroy your phone, computer, and other technology and don't take advantage of any medical science, then live in the woods with the wild animals who are forced to fend for themselves. Just don't wipe your ass on poison ivy, ...oops sorry, that sounds like I'm trying to control you instead of trying to help you. Maybe one day you will see the difference.

Doubtfull..... Cults dont work that way

When our tiny house green community is so well organized and equipment with world renowned technical advance and highly skilled people. ALot healthier and cheaper well above average with medicine and organic urban farming technology.

Hyper inflation is so insane, you may find yourself in a FEMA camps worshipping the wealthy club.

@Castlepaloma If it has any merit or value, the "wealthy club" will already own and market your "tiny house green community."


Word salad.... Are you able to spell correctly?.... Are you able to write complete intelligent sentences?...... What are you babbling about exactly?

Laying out all the ways the vaxxers are enslaved and making sickco nations.

It's my rap rant.

@castlepaloma ........ Play stupid games... Win stupid prizes

Our community would not be told what to work on and how to think.
The Machines and your puppet masters will be doing all that for you.



Your in a one-sided Mythology vaccine cult

We have culture and diversity skills is our strengths of community.

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