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This is what we have to worry about. “30 percent of Republicans say violence may be needed to save US”

KateOahu 8 Nov 1

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2022 is shaping up to be interesting in a potentially very bad way.


They would be using Wal-Mart guns against the U. S. military. How long would this last. How many of them would actually show up for the fight? These yahoos have been talking shit for decades and never do anything. They are trying to bully their way to keep people from voting and it won't work. Cheating by the Republicans might work, but an uprising would be short lived.

Unfortunately I think they will do quite a bit of damage as vigilantes to those in their neighborhoods.

I agree it's ridiculous to even contemplate that an individual's arsenal could be effective against the military's sophisticated weaponry. Then again I have friends who are very adept with drones. Fortunately they're into photography but that means the crazies can become very adept with drones as well.

@Lorajay I am way more concerned with cheating in elections than a bunch of overweight rednecks doing much of anything but talking bullshit.

@Sticks48 They showed up on January 6th. And the Republicans will not stop them; rather, they will help. Yes, they were ill-prepared. But they were violent. And there is a very large underground group willing to participate in a bigger effort, with former military leading them. There are plans already in place. I know this because redneck former military relatives have talked among my family about this. No, they won’t “win”, but a LOT of people will get hurt.

@MsKathleen They did not come close to their goal, and in their return to the scene hardly anyone showed up. They talk big, but they really don't want to die or go to jail and lose their jobs. These are not brave people and for some you can bet their wives are saying your ass is staying home or you can talk to my lawyer.

@Sticks48 I only hope you are right.


I wouldn't worry. The Beerbelly Trumpy Troopers couldn't carry out a putsch, much less a successful armed revolt.

You have no idea the plans in place.


The democrats are the violent ones with their rioting and rampant destruction in democrat controlled cities and their idiotic demands to defund the police and do away with bail.

More BS about "defunding the police." It's to shift part of their funds to other agencies which can better handle non-police functions like domestic disputes which, once defused, can be handed over to those agencies to perform "conflict resolution," etc., thus freeing up the police themselves to leave to resume performing their primary functions. But you know this.
And the BLM demonstrations we're heavily infiltrated by Proud Boys and other troublemakers, who only came out at night to give BLM a bad name. I'm sure you know this too.


From which party?

The sheep, who believe the Republican and Fox News rhetoric.

@MsKathleen I know that's what sane people believe, but what about the Republicans themselves?

@Paul4747 the generals are never on the front line.

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