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It's Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night tomorrow in the UK. While many people are having fireworks to celebrate it, many pets will be unsettled with the noise and smell of fireworks if not terrified of them. So, Classic FM, an English radio network, will be playing classical music that has a calming effect all night in an attempt to bring some comfort to pets. How effective is it? I don't know. But it is much appreciated.


Ryo1 8 Nov 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Tonight is the night, and according to Classic FM, many pet owners are phoning in, emailing, tweeting and sending photos in to tell that how their pets are settling for the night while tuning into Classic Fm. 🙂

Ryo1 Level 8 Nov 5, 2021

I detest fireworks.

Many people are having fireworks right now. I can see some from my window. It's about 8 pm in England. It's heartbreaking for many pet owners to see how terrified their animals are of fireworks all night. There has been a campaign to ban private fireworks and allow only public displays. So far, unsuccessful; the UK government has rejected the request.

@Ryo1 That sucks.


I have always loved fireworks, but I hate how they affect non human animals.

Children (and adults) with autism and veterans with PTSD are affected by fireworks, too.

@Ryo1 I have severe PTSD and loud noises do usually disturb me, fireworks are an exception. Also none of my trauma involves gun shots or explosions.

@Theresa_N You are exactly right, PTSD is experienced differently by different people. I wish you luck and best wishes. Mine is mostly in remission, and I understand how bad it can affect someone. I, too, have no problems with fireworks, although I prefer meteor showers in a lonely, dark park.

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