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Australia has called in the military to force vaccines.
One military said, they are training us to go to peoples home$ and inject them or Chase them into the bush and inject them.

This is a trail for here also, they can stop my art industry, they stop me working and they can stop me dating and stop me visiting my family. They can't stop me for refusing the poison juice that fits all.

Got 3 huge dogs and a green community of 20 unvaccinated people. Bring it on!!!


Castlepaloma 8 Nov 6

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you have to be more careful my kid thinks they are gonna put the vaccine in water
among other bullshit we can't talk about it or I won't talk to her
and she finds this crap where you do im sure


Australia is at over 80% vaxxed with NSW at 90+%, there is no truth to any of the crap you posted.

Where is that said, 90%?

If it was 90%, what difference would that make when the vaccine don't work, they are not even vaccines anymore.
Ruining a third of small business in the world. If the police or jab zombies come to my door , we are ready for those real evil terrorist.


You are So Full of BS, or completely delusional. It it hard to tell the difference, and really, who cares?

No proof of this, untill all the killing is done and clear through the masquerated of the greediest who done it.


Like I said b4, all the shit that u posting is simply bcz u are broke and is all about your $$. Covid has been very inconvenient for u . U are mad and fighting vaccines bcz it’s what your government wants , same government that asks people to isolate , and if people isolate and no events , u can’t sell your art apparently .
Cry me a river grandpa , nobody cares

Unless you loved your work, you won't master life. Love and work are the two most important things in life. People who cry the most of their lived are whose who are the 80% who dislike their jobs. It is the greatest waste of time in life. In there with Government God's and pharmaceutical, and banksters, harmful to humanity. Government has to be the most dissatisfied job in the world with 80% of the people disliking them. Most people loved my work of millions of fans everywhere.

What other group besides Government in this world do you love and support?

@Castlepaloma for fucks shake , if u have millions of fans and all these jazz , how covid and vaccines has stoped your work ? Where are u selling your art , at the street corner ? Put a mask on and sell it ? Omfg , if I hear one more time about your great art and how covid has effected u .
What do u want us to do about it man . Deny that a virus is real so u can do art work / date / see your family ? Pls do all of the above , who the f is stoping u ?
U don’t want a vaccine , that’s great . Don’t have one . Make your mind , what is your problem ? U want the economy for your personal business better , but u don’t want vaccinated people to buy your art ? Or u want unvaccinated people only to buy your art ??? What is your f problem ??
R u concerned about humans and kids who get the vaccine ? Y ? Apparently u live w 20 other losers in an isolated community . Y do u have opinions of how others should live in their communities , u know , where people have jobs , schools to send kids , u know , life . U are all set , u chosen to hide there , u shouldn’t have opinions about anything that u are not a part of it .
Grow your greens , smoke your pot , and y worry what rest of us in the real world do . Jesus fucking christ

I build for 45 years, things like the largest three dimensions sculpture parks in the world. One park was 6 acres and about 3 ancient civilizations called the temples of time. I drew in one year touring the world, as a major feature, to18 million paid attendence
That is more attentance than Greta drew for free.. Traveled 102 countries and now can't travel or draw crowds anymore because of one nasty flu. Wail 10,000 people die of heart disease in the maritime Canada. It's only 100 die of covid each year in the maritimes You take the blue pill, where you will believe anything. I'll take the red pill to search down the rabbit hole and had found the writing on the wall. Nobody owns me, so go do the great depopulation thing as far as I care. It won't be me in our natural normal ways.
Go build back better billionaires!!! Just leave my body and mind alone, I know what is best for me and my circle, I'll attend the fire, you worship the ashes.


Lol @ poison juice. Billions of people around the world have been vaccinated without issue. But how cool would it be if we all glowed in the dark now? And darling, good luck to you and your 20 pals if you ever decide to go up against the military. Please don't let your innocent dogs be caught in the fray.

dkp93 Level 8 Nov 6, 2021

Like cannibis bust for 90 years of a propaganda, locking up cannibis users for more than all the violent criminals combined. First thing, they shoot your unconditional love and best friend dog. We know who the real terrorist are.
I'm sure the billionaire put on their masquerade for show. Then unmask for their greediest orgy parties afterwards and take their fake vaccines. There is difference of classification of vaccines who they target for.

You would be surprised on how many military and cops turn in their badges and careers to be unvaccinated. Same for most of the world population who are not fully vaxxed

@Castlepaloma Dude, you would probably benefit from some cannabis. Do you ever read what you type before you post it? Your trail of thought is all over the place. The military is not about to bust down your door in Nova Scotia. Take a deep breath and maybe try some meditation at the very least.


They disallowed or arrested Assembly for all those who want to appose the vaccines. Lost my industry, loss my girlfriend, lost 6; part-time jobs approved, then cancel because unvaccinated. They cancel me on online dating. Can not go anywhere for workouts and entertainment. Some come to your door to talk about covid. They are advertising everywhere often about the Vaccines, masks and covid passport. They arrested protesters and all kinds of people. Many who were not ever arrested before. The primer says he will make life impossible for the unvaccination and he was sooooo right. I will beat them, because the truth can run the longest marathons, as I've always done to get the love of my life, my art business back. Australia is much worst and attempting to force jabs people or Chase them into the Bushes.

I said in the beginning they will mandate mask and Vaccines and now they are forcing us in so many ways.


Wow. Crazy people over there too, huh?
85% of Australians want a crackdown on online misinformation about vaccines, too. Good idea! They think it might scare people into not getting vaccinated. Think they're paying attention to U.S. news reports?!?
My hats off to the Aussies; wish we could do that here. There is simply no excuse for the irresponsible, antisocial, grandstanding behavior of our conspiracy head cases..
Case in point, one "news" outlet started off their story with the statement that, " ...there is a debate about the safety of vaccines in the United States."
If there is, it's pretty one-sided, except for the misinformation specialists who are the very ones making the Australians nervous. They're not humoring people whining about their "freedom," they figure they have freedom too, from being infected needlessly, just because the holdouts are gullibly swallowing a load of hogwash.
In 1996, they confiscated all the firearms, too...and suicides, homicides, and mass shootings all went way down...they are not tolerating any BS, that's for sure!

I would excaped too, like to several other countries without the mandates. Or several countries that have totally lifted their their restrictions on mask, lockdowns and vaccinated. If I get an injected passport.
People like me who have had most waking hours of the life now destroyed in my art industry by covid, now can't get a driving job without jab. Every dating site and women dump me because I am not vaccinated and no where to go. Tyranny comes from the most Noble causes. Like at Obama's Nobel peace , it came at a price of a record of millions of poor people killed, mostly women and children and hardly anyone cares.
Same with covid slaves, you got the billionaire and trillionaire back, and they got your back with a knife or jab.

@Castlepaloma What did Obama do, except try to deal with the godawful mess W. made of the Middle East? Okay granted, he made some terrible mistakes, like completely pulling troops out of Iraq so precipitously, and I'm still pissed he intervened in Libya and, in general, misread the "Arab Spring..." Ha! What a laugh! But none of that should have happened in the first place. Afghanistan? Fine. Go in there and get bin Laden and break up Al Qaeda, but IRAQ? Are you kidding me? And LYING about it from start to finish? Unbelievable. And you want to talk about OBAMA screwing up? Sorry, I'll blame him for some things, but Pandora's Box was already open by then.
Anyway, you can think whatever you want about the vaccine. WHY you think that way, however, is mystifying to me. It's perfectly safe and effective. The only thing that ever made sense is you're a right-wing Trumpeter making a POLITICAL point, a point which escapes me, other than to destabilize the Biden presidency, which is why the Republicans went along with it, AND The Big Lie that the Democrats somehow "stole" the election...don't tell me you believe that TOO?!? If you do, I'm sorry, you're more far gone than I thought!.
But other than as a political ploy, it makes no sense to me whatsoever. And it allowed a SECOND, Delta variant pandemic, and doubled the sickness, and cost, and disruption, FOR NO GOOD REASON, and people like me are PISSED they played political games, and lied to a bunch of gullible yahoos, and threw the biggest hissy fit in the history of the world, just because you lost and you're so convinced you're right, and we're wrong,,'re just going to take your ball and go home...and while you're there totally screw up the electoral process so it's very questionable we'll ever have credible, fair elections ever again.
So no, sorry, you brought this on yourself and I don't feel sorry for you.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

@Castlepaloma re your "art career": You built sand sculptures, remember? Fleeting stuff.


I had the longest running Snow, and sandsculpture company for 45years and the largest sandsculpture company in the world for 35 years and made ,$ millions. Had 20 fulltime staff of the Largest sculpture shop in Canada for ten years stage, film, museums, puppets, moscot, tiny houses, pretty well anything 3D and 192international awards. Worked for Walt Disney both CA and Fl, Ripley's, museum of civilization in Ottawa, Winterlube, Ontario Place many contract for decades.

@AnneWimsey, @Storm1752

I don't trust any presidents, their all puppets and I don't vote. Said repeatedly, I'm an anarchist . Trump personal rip me $10,000 $ for a sandcastle. War and poli- tricks solve nothing. Calling me a Trumper, a rightwing, even anti Vaxxers is total nonsense, repeatedly. Since I've been world class in athletics, in travel, in the arts and entertainment , I win it all back. Even a new improved nonbeliver women partner and covid unvaxxer. Only been a looser since covid vaccines rolled in like most people. That will all change when the 30% totalitarianism people like yourself. Then the 40% feared and dying for any social society connection again penuudum swing for people power rather than totalitarianism. The 15 unvaxxer who are smarter people in the westernized countries will survive well enough. Most of the worlds population, who are unvaxxer will continue pushing back this tyranny.

@Castlepaloma Whatever dude.



Australia they stopped welfare unless the children are vaccinated. The worlds largest prison is called Australia. We won't see much press on Australia because anyone showing protest or anyone seriously opposed vaccines or lockedup or being arrested. I have a friend that excape Australia in time

I read an article about "street terrorists" in Sydney.


Unvaccinated are the new improved ass-me-you. Terrorist. Not those Muslims terrorist where local cops killed 40 times greater the public than Muslims did. The world war has come home for the pension of 75% covid deaths of the age 80 plus and costly sick mainstream medical profession of the 78% obesity. Not to mention all the negative neglect to all other health condition and economy, not considered in their model of destruction or maybe they did for their planedemic.

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