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Hilary Was Right - She Warned You
#WomensRights 6 of 9 #Justices Are #Conservatives. 6 of 9 Are #Catholic, 1 #Liberal. 3 #RightWing #Radical Justices Took Over The #SupremeCourt #Obama Was Denied 1. #Twitler Installed 3 #Judges In Only 4 Years. Thanks To #RichMitch, The #FederalistSociety, & #CorporateFascist #Republicons. 1 Was #Installed For Life, In Only 30 Days, Only 8 Days Before The #2020Election #PROCHOICE #EndCitizensUnited #ObamaCare States Mandate Eliminated #VotingRights #GunRegulations #Immigration #GoreVsBushJr & #Trump Election #BigLie.

HankHunter13 7 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I will gladly aid any girl or woman in her quest for an abortion. Fuck any misogynist who cries like a bitch over it. They don’t intimidate and never will.


I'm fully prepared to help any woman who wants an abortion to get one.
Let the assholes come for me.


I told people to get on the Hillary bandwagon.Now I tell people to get on the Biden bandwagon. These are not tough calls. If you didn't vote for both, I have 0 sympathy for you.


There was nothing she was wrong about.

Except Voting to Authorize the Use of Force for Bush Jr. Thinking that it would be a Limited Use, not Decades of War. Of course, almost all Republicons Voted For it. And half of Democrats did, In the Senate. But, especially in the House, where only Barbara Lee Voted against it. And, of course, that's one of the things the right wing, Fox & Fascists, and Twitler, exploited. Like she was some kind of Warmonger. Typical Projection. Republicans start wars. Democrats end them. Too bad half American Voters can't tell the difference. Peace

@HankHunter13 A lot of people were lied to about that. Even Colin Powell.
Shrub's people went out of their way to create threats in order to justify that debacle.

Let's try to maintain some perspective here.

@KKGator Yes. Of course. I believe I put her Vote in context. Peace

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