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What are you reading now and what were the last couple of books you read? Why did you choose them? Did you love them or hate them? What did you get from them? What do you generally like to read?

Right now, I'm reading "Presence" by Amy Cuddy -- she's the lady who gave the incredible (most popular ever??) TED talk about power poses, empowerment, and her own struggle (and success) with college after having a brain injury. It's an awesome book

Before that, I re-read "Our Mathematical Universe" by physicist Max Tegmark where he gives his own attempt and spin on a type of Platonic universe. His ideas are really compelling and I've long found myself a fan....I think I disagree on some fundamental assumptions, but it's still an amazing book.

I usually had this addiction for three genres: personal/professional development/motivation, time travel sci fi, and regular science nonfiction. Occasionally I stray elsewhere.

While I consume a lot of ebooks, I've also been completely addicted to Audible as I can go through books during my long morning dog walks -- win-win, you know.

Scoobs 6 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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