3 12

Global Stupidity.
For sure, the world is full of it, stupid, I mean. But Mother Nature is the boss, and we have ignored the signals for decades; they could have done something 50 years ago. Nope. Greed first, Humans last. I feel we're in serious trouble on many fronts, and this is only day one, so to speak.
Mother Nature does not give a fudge about praying or Vodoo. Or a Fraud God. The world will never be the same again, that I'm sure. But, frankly, if we do end up, ending, perhaps millions of years from now when they dig us up, they may think? We were technologically advanced but a flawed species because we thought we were so smart, but it was stupid that killed the Beasts.

Tourirst 7 Dec 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Many years ago, while my children were toddlers, I went back to college to take a course in sociology. It was a wonderful course which started out studying primitive societies. Then comparing modern societies with them. The upshot of the course was to show that what we call progress is not progress by any means.

I live my live according to nature as much as I can. Therefore, I am able to stay away from doctors and Big Pharma. I teach singing according to nature and all my pupils declare how lucky they are to find me.

For me, in life, nature is the key to good health and productivity.

So you're not vaccinated? I'd really like to know, if I may? Good health did not prevent people from getting Polio and many other horrible diseases, vaccines did. And science.

@Tourirst I did get the covid vaccination..2 of them. Now I think I have a bad reaction that is costing me big. From what I know I make this connection that others might not. WE assume much, but we do not know what we do not know.That's why I am an agnostic...recognizing that there is more to things that are beyond us. Messing with viruses in the lab is a good example. Look at how covid came to be...scientists playing with Mother Nature. Could you say that the human race is one big smart Alec. Let's not be so sure of ourselves.

@think-beyond, I know about 700 people, and every single one of them is 100% fine. Most of these types of reactions turn out to be unrelated. The world has given out billions of vaccines, and we'd be in far worse shape without them. Ten of the worst diseases in the world have been cured by science. Praying to a Fraud god is cult voodoo. Or you may not have been here to type this. I'm glad we have Big Pharma as they are the ones who made this vaccine. So what if they make money. They make billions from weapons, and no one seems to mind this? Or are building bombs ok? I'm glad you got the shot, and it's what people do that care for others. Anyone who refuses to get the vaccine, no matter who, I'm done with them. I have known someone for decades who refuses to get the vaccine, and I have call-blocked him and will have nothing to do with him. That goes for anyone in the world. Movie stars, like i-Cube and I hope he melts. I will not buy, read, or watch them as I get enough stupid daily from the news and don't want to see them. Hardcore anti-vaxxers, I hope they die—anyone who does not do right by others does not belong on the planet but under it. If this offends you, you can block me. I asked the question if you'd been vaccinated and if you'd said no. I would have blocked you. I hope you are feeling better soon. And thank you for doing the right thing for all.

@Tourirst Mister, I got the shot. I am offended by your unnecessary reply. You make assumptions about me. Take your soap box elsewhere.


No doubt we’re in trouble…….no one’s going to realize that until it’s too late.

Some of the rich do see it. Are they doing anything - building bunkers in New Zealand, like that will help their grandchildren.

@Beowulfsfriend Long ago during the cold war American generated paranoia a joke circulated of such a billionaire building a nuclear bunker. The story concluded with him laying the gold plated plaque commemorating the topping out ceremony. As he did a disgruntled land rights activist crept up behind him to fatally shoot him with a bow & arrow.

Perhaps we should all do likewise to all billionaires?


Shouldn't this be in the environmental/Earth Savers group. A lot of us use that group to learn and share. It would be good to mention your stand on the 'core' issue.

Is that on here? I don't see that group? Fraud god belongs on this site. It's too late for "environmental/Earth Savers." The party is over for humanity. Nothing will be the same ever again.

@Tourirst Then you need to be a part of this movement: []

@Touirst, I think everyone gets notification of health & happiness posts therefore it gets more exposure.
However I would suggest that the general & news is better as it is the only section that is picked up by the web spiders to appear when non members do a search in Google or any engine.

@JackPedigo Musk obviously isn't a member.

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