3 1

And with agnosticity too. [] Lightstrike again. Truth is fine light, Time is good fight. Balance light and shade, Pacify love and hate. CosmoTerra is Family, Ship and garden to keep (finitely, yet terwonic=terrible-wonderful)... Where everyone and all are god, server and antigod=critique for the greater good, we believe=trust (reasonably) (in).

Cooper-Goat(Capra) break the pseudonorms. Tuba leads the veromusic. Eucrazy (not cacocrazy) may be anyone, just to fool the foolish lie... Support eumedicine(science), not cacomedicine(science)! [], [] etc.
tipi 7 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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err.: critics instead of critiques. or both...

tipi Level 7 Jan 26, 2022

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true, good for you, or worthwhile.

People murder daily, and parents allow their children to suffer and die needlessly, all because of their beliefs. Imagine the power if you could control what people believe. Cons, politicians, religions, governments, and corporations all desire to control your belief, because people will sacrifice everything to have its manifestation, even if it is imposed upon them and against their personal and common good.

The clips wouldn't play.

Thanks. Agreed partially. We need to have a faith in sense of philosophy and trust, hope for the greater good. Moderated optimism, rather than cynic pessimism. United we stand, until the end... Bit links below.


What is truth? Not something lie can own... We are truth, at least partially. Links by bits, https:// watch?v= dGYzUzLVlzw. https:// watch?v= gjhmMs1UrV0.

tipi Level 7 Dec 29, 2021
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