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Obituary: Betty White, the Golden Girl with a heart of gold


Apunzelle 7 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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She was a survivor and did it with grace, charm and humor. We should all be envious and glad she was with us. When it's time we all will leave and it seems she went out sans suffering. We should be happy for that. My late partner went out exactly like that, a smile, no pain and actually relishing the time she could take charge of her death. Yes, it's painful for the rest of us but I doubt it was for her. Instead of complaining about 2021 at least we got to have her for the whole year, so I believe.


Can 2021 get any worse?

If it does, I don't want to know about it.


There are very few remarkable people in this world. She was one of them. ☹


I thought she'd make it to 100. She was a wonderful lady.

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