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Is Governments, the New GOD.!

Not my God, I'm sure it is for many in their everyday lives. .

Castlepaloma 8 Jan 12

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Is government the new Devil for reactionary minded people? I'd say yes. Especially true of those who don't have the wit to understand the social contract, the reality of a mixed economy, and a balance of public and private enterprise that exists in all developed countries, even in toxic capitalist America.

One big difference there, I think of capitalist is free trade and fair. Where Corporationism is the super wealthy. Each step taking Trillionaire eating up Billionaires and billionaires eating up millionaires.

@Castlepaloma there's no much confused thinking in your reply, not to mention fractured grammar, I scarcely know where to begin, so I won't.


Do you not, see the difference between Capitalism and Corporationism?

@Castlepaloma yes,and it's CORPORATISM. Also, it's the result of unfettered capitalism, when the checks and balances of a mixed economy have failed by undermining effective governance and the public interest -- essentially the ideology of Right Wing economic rationalism that has corrupted Western economics over the past 40+ years, most egregiously in the Disunited States of America. The progressive side of politics has been trying to struggle against this imbalance with great difficulty. The problem is made worse when everyday people with comparatively little money and no real power get sucked into anti government tropes because they are too stupid, ignorant and ill-informed to know where they fit in the class and power structure, and who their REAL enemies and friends are in the political spectrum.


As an anarchist, I don't understand politics any more than Christians. Richard Dawkins said nationalism is more dangerous than religion. Would you agree?
Is the public more afraid of their Government than the Government afraid of their people? If so, if Government is our servants, then why can't we stop them from interfereing in our freedoms. Ultimately, on what we put in our own bodies. It's none of the Government bussiness on what an individual puts into their own bodies. Once they own our bodies, they own everything.

@Castlepaloma corporate capitalism buys and sells you like a commodity and you don't care, but public sector health governance scares the hell out of you. You are scared of the wrong people. If this sort of toxic individualism had been around in the past we'd never have had laws on smoking, pesticides, seat belts, polio, banning cancerous products and lots more. You've got an angst in your head, and you feel better by blaming and fearing big scary government, made up of mostly people trying to provide public services. Meanwhile big business buys and sells you like a dupe. Wake up. Clear the blockage to the rational part of your brain.


In my business, I've confronted with presidents, and over a hundreds of politicains for 45 years. What ever Government can provides like my Food, freedom and housing. I've already done more ethically in business and much better off doing that within our community. Free trade capitalist, each make up their own rules for their business. If their clients don't like their rules, then they will be out of business. Banks puppet the Presidents, that is not, ever going to get better, unless the collective people get better.

Personally I'm fearless, not to say I'm not afraid. Just confront every problem in my way without harm Most beautiful feeling was from my daughter. She said that I am the most bravest person she has ever known in her life. Like Joe Rogan says , I'm a moron when it comes to politicains.


If it is I would accept that God over the Christian/Catholic/Evan God. At least govt is responsive even if only to keep rioting down.Their God seems to like riots which become mass-murderous take downs of cities.

I least Religion has rules, like do not kill or steal, yet terrible hipocrites
Where Governments have a license to kill and takes a third or half our money. Governments or kings use Religion as a tool and are like wolves in sheep clothing.

Not many die in riots or protests As media wants to give it super hypes and blame it on people like me, an anarchist. Although they are shy with covid protesters because their is a secret agenda there.

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