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"This is the house of Stewart Rhodes, leader of the Oaf Keepers being raided by the feds. Who paid for this upscale home in a deed restricted community ? Where did he get $100,000+ in cash to purchase weapons and tactical gear for the January 6th attack on the Capitol ? Billionaires like Koch, Walton, Mercer, DeVos, Prince, etc. are behind the Republikkkan Party openly using their think tanks to craft oppressive social legislation and pro-business legislation. Meanwhile they funnel dark money into radicalized extremists and anti-government militias. The Oaf Keepers have about 5,000 rednecks as official members. There’s no way this is being self-funded."

HankHunter13 7 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Quite probable. I also would not be surprised if 'hidden' Russian money was not in there somewhere, as Russia has a policy of supporting disruptive dissension in many nations.

Yes ! I have little doubt. They're definitely behind the AntiVax and AntiMask propaganda. With Republicons help. To sabotage the economy. And, ultimately install Putin's, and Xi's, and the Saudis Puppet back into power. Effin Global Gangsters, Bankers, Oil, Gas, Mining, Timber, and Defense Contractors.


I think some of the 1% are behind this.

Absolutely. They Almost kept their chosen Authoritarian in Power with a Violent Coup attempt. Scary stuff.

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