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The concept of HELL serves no purpose other than to instill fear and control others.

ballou 8 Jan 23

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Hell or anything much like it, hardly gets a mention in the Old Testament, or in he teachings of Jesus in the new. The idea only begins to emerge, at about the time the Christian church begins to become the successor to the Roman Empire and starts to have imperial pretensions. ( I wonder why ? ) But even by the sixth century Islamic theology had largely done with it, and substituted Purgatory as a place of healing, as a more realistic idea, so that modern Moslems find the Christian idea of heaven, hell and salvation largely laughable.


There is no “the concept of hell.”

There are many concepts of hell.

skado Level 9 Jan 23, 2022

The one slight use that the concept has, is for people to be able to hope that there is some sort of justice in the afterlife for the evil others get away with now. I have a list of people I wish I could feel were or are going to be burning in hell.

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