Hitler and Mussolini knew very well…….start at the earliest age possible, convince them that the head of state is the “voice of god” that must never be questioned, and should be unconditionally loyal, to obey without question.
We are all born out (not into) of this world, tabula rasa. Starting with our parents and immediate family, the writing on the slate begins. To believe that there is a genetic basis to our beliefs leads to very slippery slope and may well serve to fuel the notion of a therapeutic state.
“Important evidence against the tabula rasa model of the mind comes from behavioural genetics, especially twin and adoption studies (see below). These indicate strong genetic influences on personal characteristics such as IQ, alcoholism, gender identity, and other traits. Critically, multivariate studies show that the distinct faculties of the mind, such as memory and reason, fractionate along genetic boundaries.”
Somewhat interesting, however, I wonder will SCIENTISTS find the genetic causes of Judaism, Christianity, Islam Buddhism, etc etc, personally, I doubt it as they are all belief systems.
Are there any studies which relate to a child that was born to alcoholic and drug abusing parents and then adoped by a rich family who sent him or her to the to the best schools and university, if so, how did such fare?
"Scientists look for theories to fit facts and pseudo-scientists try to make facts fit theories." Thomas Szasz