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Canberra, Australia January 2022.

Jolanta 9 Jan 31

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No, wetlands in Forde.

@Jolanta Thanks.


I see the Australian pelican dog snatchers sitting in the tree waiting their chance for a pampered pooch.

Pomeranian, poodle or pug - it's all meat on the hoof to them.

It's a statue

@Jolanta even more hilarious. There are millions of them around & so someone has to build two realistic looking dummies & glue them to deadwood?
But perhaps they now know better than to fly into Canberra?

@FrayedBear actually they look very nice. Perhaps one day there will be none left the way things are going.

@Jolanta you & I won't be around to see it!

@FrayedBear why not?

@Jolanta []

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