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Like many long time Atheists, I tend to study the Abrahamic faiths. This is the latest audiobook I have listened to. Pretty good and makes a compelling case for the possibility of Jesus being married.

Listen to The Lost Gospel by Simcha Jacobovici, Barrie Wilson on Audible. []

Reignmond 7 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I have a bunch of other audiobooks posted in The Sound Of A Good Book group. This got posted here because I hadn't figured out how the system worked yet.


Okay, it took me a month, but I listened to the whole book and will listen to it again to make sure I understand some of it, since I fell asleep a few times.

While the authors never say for sure this account is true and that it is of Jesus and Mary of Magdala, the story makes sense the way it's presented and does make one think how different life would be if a religion based on a dyad of male and female and spiritual feelings experienced by intimacy in equal measures working together had taken off.

I've always thought it odd that Christianity is based on a male triad, father, son and holy ghost kind of thing, with no balance of the duality of male and female, etc.

I found the book to be a refreshing look at the history and possible information that has been missing from other documents. Whether or not there was a true single Jesus, married one, or if he is a fabricated character or conglomeration of many, doesn't really matter to me. I have to admit to being fairly ignorant about the dusty old history of that time, but the added intrigue of a secret possibility of this other story of the Jesus described in the bible made hearing more of the history more enjoyable.

Even as a child in catechism, I felt some affinity for Mary Magdalene and wondered if she was getting a bum rap in the stories the nuns shared. I have long felt that portraying her as a prostitute was not good for healthy relationships between men and women. There is no healthy family values presented in the bible, so a new take on the ideas attributed to Jesus would be welcome, whether he was a true historical figure or not.

If the general public could consider the possibility that the Jesus they "know and love" was actually in a relationship with a female confidant, possibly even married with children, it might open the possibilities for an updated perhaps totally new mythos based on more modern scientific natural awareness. For that, I feel this book is a welcome addition to the library of other books about gospels and texts that were perhaps hidden away and didn't make the cut into the popular bible.

About the Trinity, The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

El was the Father (the Father) of Yahweh (The Son), and Jesus became the Holy Spirit after he died. So the Trinity is only a mystery if you choose to forget the mythic history.

Jocobovici is a bit of a character and should not be credited with authorship. He was more of a publicist. Dr. Barrie Wilson did the research and scholarship.

See Barrie Wilson's info...


Of course he was married. He was a rabbi. Rabbis marry.

But that's if you're foolish enough to think he existed at all.

I see absolutely no problem in the existence of Yeshua. There were lots of guys with that name. One of them very easily could have been a self proclaimed Messiah, plenty of others did. I just don't believe in a God or the supernatural to begin with.


There are no accounts of Jesus outside the Gospels that are contemporaneous to to the time he supposedly lived. No Roman, Jewish, or Pagan sources mention him.

You'd think a guy supposedly commanding thousands of followers would be notable enough to write about.

And don't even start with the Josephus dickhonkery. All Josephus said was that CHRISTIANS existed, and what they believed. Any indications otherwise were added to Josephus' writings after he died.

The ministry and writings of Paul happened 40 years before the first Gospel, Mark, appeared. Most of his epistles are forgeries. Nothing in any of them mentions any of the stories in the Gospels.

The Gospel of Mark appears about 70ad. This is after Paul has died.

So, what's happening?

Jesus living, performing astounding miracles and going unnoticed, dying, rising, THEN being forgotten, a small plucky cult forming around him, and THEN everybody remembering him?


Him being completely made up?

@Toonman But there is documentaion for guys named "Yeshua". Several Roman documents and graves have been found. The only real question is...were any of them The Messiah. I tend to doubt it , especially because the messiah was not prophesied as being named Yeshua.


There are several documentations and graves of guys named Yeshua because it's the Hebrew version of Joshua.

Think of how many men are named Joshua in this day and age. There were probably as many then as now.

There is no Roman record documenting the Jesus of the New Testament, nor any Jewish or Pagan accounts. Therefore there is no way to corroborate the events in the Gospels.

What Paul has to say about that Jesus never places him on earth, but exclusively in the celestial real.

The stories about that Jesus' life appear in history AFTER the ministry of Paul. They were written by anonymous authors who didn't know him, in a language neither he nor his disciples spoke starting a generation AFTER Jesus supposedly died. Two of the Gospels are based on Mark and appear a generation after Mark was written. The Gospel of John came 100 years after that.

8t is most likely none of it happened.

@Toonman You are wasting your time posting this. I was explaining this back in the'80's to my Christian friends. There was no one named "Jesus" because that is a bastardization of Yeshua.

@Reignmond Which is the Hebrew for Joshua.


OMG, you have One life, this is how you are squandering it? On fairy tales & pointless conjecture? Rethink!

Honey, this is merely one of many topics I study. Like it or not religion is important in everyone 's lives somply because all those religious people dominate the societies we live in. I have "respect" among my bible thumping cohorts because I know their doctrine better than they do.

"Know thy enemy."

@Reignmond "honey"?????????? WTF?

@creative51 You are mistakenly thinking I give a shit. If I did, I would never have become an Atheist. I was being somewhat civil. She was trolling me, I retaliated.

@creative51 No, she was being a troll. I would never tell her what she should do with her life. She never made a conversational statement. She never expressed a reasoned or questioning statement.


  1. I have made the same or similar remarks to literally dozens of gawd-chasers on here, wasting their lives.
  2. I have been on here since almost the beginning, usually more than once a day, so probably not a passing
  3. One of the very best things about this site is the Woke, thoughtful, well-mannered people, especially the males, who would never dream of trying to prove their "masculinity" by using phoney "endearments" towards unknown women.
    Which leads me to conclude: 4. Viagra Much? Or doesn't it work anymore either?.......sweetie.

#1 Makes you no better than all those dogmatists you dislike so much. "The lady doth protest too much, me thinks."
#2 So you don't have a life. My condolences.
#3 I agree that I have "met" many fine fellow non-believers of various sorts. But then there are the occasional ones who are not so.
#4 Surely you realize how terribly childish this viagra comment was. I could retort in kind, but I won't. But thanks for calling me "sweetie". That makes it all better.


Yawn, who gives a shit?

That is sort of true, but I see it like if you are an anthropologist imersed in a primative tribe. I try to understand what they are thinking. Also, it helps me retort their rhetoric.


Ooh! It's included for free in my subscription, so I'll give it a listen. Intriguing to ponder the possibility that Jesus may have been married. I've heard that the men who put together the bible simply chose not to include the scripts attributed to "Mary" as it would give too much power to women, with that little bit of equality offered. It seemed that Mary had the ear of Jesus, and perhaps more, haha. Though I'm not even convinced there was a historical Jesus, Mary, etc., even if there was a gospel according to Mary found hidden away. It does sound interesting. Thanks for the tip.

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