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I don't have a picture of this sign outside a Baptist church on my commute (it's not in a place that is convenient to stop to take one!). But here is the phrase:

"Good people don't go to heaven. Forgiven people do."

This phrase, which appears in different phraseology on bumper stickers, a la "Not perfect, but forgiven," makes my blood boil. It seems to condone any behavior, and then that behavior is magically removed if one asks forgiveness. Witness political behavior that is not only condoned, but sanctioned.

poetdi56 7 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I walk away from the conversation because there is no changing any of their opinions. Living a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle & pay little attention to the little minds. I us Uber Driving to hold class for all of those that want to learn. Everything is Fact Based & when religion enters into it, I just say, "show me". Todays classes were with very fat truck driver, epileptic, heart disease & a diabetic. WFPB Lifestyle works for them all. Look at the WHOLE.


It's incorrect, arrogant, and even harmful, and like you, it makes me angry when I see/hear it. People even hold this above others' heads to create guilt and enforce certain behaviours/beliefs.

As a side note, when I see these now, I reinterpret that to remind me that the difficult (sometimes, daily) task of forgiving oneself and judging oneself less harshly, does in a way, lead to a personal heaven on Earth. I fully realise that this isn't what the writers of these signs mean. ☺️


Excuse me while I say Amen.

That's sexist, what about awomen?


Talkin about signs.

Coldo Level 8 Apr 24, 2018

I'm not gonna touch that one!

That sounds like a very interesting place to search for Easter eggs.



That's pretty much what we were taught in Catholic school. Sucks. It means, "Do whatever you want... you can still be forgiven and thereby have it both ways". Trump is using this policy very effectively.

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