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Religion gravely stunts your growth

August1 6 Mar 2

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In the moral sense, the Bible was instrumental in teaching me morals.

It taught me that Christianity was a great religion before it turned from it's Chrestian and man God roots, to it's Christian supernatural and fantasy God.

It showed me why Gnostics hate the Roman Yahweh/Jesus God, while liking the Gnostic Jesus.


So if I go to church, I won’t get any fatter than…..🧐


“So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence”

As far I know there is a distinct lack of humour in the Bible . The absence of intelligence and humour may be considered the hallmark of authoritarianism.



Are you referring to physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual, etc. or a combination of one or more of these?

Betty Level 8 Mar 3, 2022

Of what? Your penis?

If that were even a rumour, the chuches would empty overnight forever.

@Fernapple That would be great!!


They say, extraordinary claims takes extraordinary evidence. Please prove verfication. Thanks.

Word Level 8 Mar 2, 2022

Who were the “they” who said that?

Please provide verification. Thanks. (grin)

@yvilletom The Sagan standard is the adage that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” (a concept abbreviated as ECREE). This signifies that the more unlikely a certain claim is, given existing evidence on the subject, the greater the standard of proof that is expected of it.
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The Sagan Standard: Extraordinary Claims Require ... - Effectiviology

Here is a small sample of your requested ECREE...


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