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""No tree can grow to Heaven," adds the ever-terrifying Carl Gustav Jung, psychoanalyst extraordinaire, "unless its roots reach down to Hell." Such a statement should give everyone who encounters it pause. There was no possibility for movement upward, in that great psychiatrist's deeply considered opinion, without a corresponding move down. It is for this reason that enlightenment is so rare. Who is willing to do that?"

  • Jordan B. Peterson, Twelve Rules For Life, p. 180
skado 9 Apr 24

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If you read the book of Revelation in the Bible it says that trees grow in Heaven.

Perhaps the bible was written in Hell, giving those trees roots!

It was written by people who just wanted power and influence......and money. The Bible is the greatest fraud in history.@Julie808


Everything must have its opposite. So, every good thing comes as a counterbalance to a bad thing. In this statement by Jung, it might mean that one must know Hell in order to reach toward Heaven. Similarly, no mud, no lotus... Many ways of expressing a similar statement.

Hmmm... ok.

Yes, I think so like the swing of a pendulum, a continuum of points going in opposite directions.

Perhaps, but I'm skeptical. That's one I'll haveto roll around in my head a bit to see I can find examples where that doesn't apply.

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