3 6

Trust me it won't be pretty.

MichaelSanchuk 6 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I disagree. The Earth was here long long before humans existed and the Earth will be here long long after we're all dead and crumbled to dust. The Earth will endure. We will not.


I have been to Chief Seattle's grave and weeped. His prediction was much the same and has proven to be right. No, this kind of correction is never pretty and terrifies the instinctual need for survival. Need 1 on the Big Ten. There's going to be a lot of folks in some stage of grief and perpetually grieving. I'm hoping for an early retreat.


I'm afraid the earth's needs will go unmet because we prefer money to life.

I agree.
Thank you for the comment.

The earth needs more plastic to survive

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