4 7

For real, though!!

JonnaBononna 7 Mar 9

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Never went the gas guzzlers route

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 10, 2022

I'm too cheap for Door Dash. Whata Ripoff!


High fuel prices are a direct result of the looney democraps energy policy!


Stupid Americans bought huge trucks and SUVs with lousy gas mileage. They don't know what high gas prices really are.

In 1970, gas was $5 per gallon in Italy when my family toured Europe.

I have always owned small cars that get at least 40 miles per gallon.

Recently, I heard that some senior U.S. officials traveled to Venezuela and conducted talks with President Nicolás Maduro's government. Pehaps you may not have to wait long for a reduction in the price of gas.

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