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I it just me? I seem to not be able to get through to people who are religious. It’s not that I don’t believe in god. I don’t know if there is a God or not. They “Believe” there for they call themselves Christian. I believe the sun and moon are in the sky, it doesn’t make me an Astronaut. If you don’t live your life in the way the your religion dictates, you should call yourself religious

Darrellin559 4 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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This post is in NO WAY meant to be demeaning or critical, Please do not take it that way.
Isn’t being an atheist the same as being religious? Believing in an absolute doesn’t make sense to me on either end of the spectrum. I do not believe in God, but I don’t KNOW I’m right. I am open to the possibility that every thing I believe is wrong.


Please let me apologize for the spelling and grammar errors. I typed that on my phone and my eyes are not what they used to be!


Its all about belief vs. facts. People don't usually really explore why they believe what they believe. Even if you ask them the answers lack thought like "Just because I know my God exist." This is not a reason. One must ask more questions and press them for an answer(gently) so that they really ask themselves the question for the first time. Then progress has been made. I suggest looking into Street epistemology. Here are some links.




Would you say that "religion" breeds hypocrisy?

I absolutely do.


What is it exactly that you want to "get through " to religious people ?
Why bother ?

Because silence is affirming a falsehood. I wouldn’t allow a child to believe 2 + 2 = 5

@Darrellin559 we have the freedom to not believe - others have the freedom to believe. good luck with trying to change that ...

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