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Thinking about getting a (my first) tattoo. I'm digging the spaghetti monster thing. Any thoughts? []

Captain_Feelgood 8 Mar 17

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Alot of people will have no idea what that is, so it could be a conversation starter.
My tattoos can all be hidden if need be, for funerals & the like as IMO there's a time & place for everything.


I say go for it. I got mine in Sturgis from an Indian tattoo artist who I found out latter was smoking pot while he was doing my tattoo. ðŸĪŠðŸ˜‚ðŸĪĢ

Hell, he may have done a better job because of his buzz. 😜👍


Nah, Go for a slogan like. "Jesus was gay." "Fairy-tales make Bibles." or "Satan was the good guy."

What the fuck,,, you trying to get me beat up or something? ðŸ˜ĩ

@Captain_Feelgood You could always keep it covered, until after you have had sex with a nice Christian girl.

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