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So women do go bald, sometimes.

Jolanta 9 Apr 13

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Actually, women bald at about the same rate that men do, but they're much more driven to hide that fact, so you can't always tell. I think it's traumatic for women, but we shouldn't negate how traumatic it is for some men as well.


I wish my thick hair would thin. We all want what we don't have.

At 68, my hair grows fast and not just on my head.


My hair is definitely thinning. I bought some hair extensions last year, but I haven't had the confidence (or lack of confidence) to wear them yet. Not sure when it will come time to draw that line if ever, since I'd prefer my natural hair as long as I can, but I like to have the option should that time come, since my long hair become a trademark feature, and folks might not recognize me if I ever cut it all off, haha.

I believe baldness is hereditary from the mother's side, and my grandfather was balding, so I imagine I'm doomed as a female, and my son's hairline is also receding.

It is funny how we women put so much emphasise on our hair. I used to have long hair but I shaved it off cancer fundraising and have not looked back. Short hair suits me much better.

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