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Ready to help the religious right lose the midterm elections this year?

MichealGames77 4 Apr 25

Enjoy being online again!

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They'll not be losing. If they were the only ones on the team, they would certainly lose; just like if the Left-wing fanatics had a candidate worth electing, they would be perceived to have 'won'.

Neither of them ever wins or determines election outcomes. To believe it is as silly and delusional as believing in gods or Democracy. Juvenile, herd minds don't see anything for themselves. They see what they are told to see by party politicos of 'the cloth'.

The political mainstream wins elections by choosing which of the two crappy, compromised candidates is probably lying the least. We do the electing. Lunatic fringes of whichever side wins, get to rejoice over their respective new opportunities to undermine our system for four years.

The lunatics on the Left, instead of consolidating and focusing on things that will move us (we the people in the middle) to the polls on their behalf, have only indulged in absurd, juvenile hysterics and character assassination. Mid-terms are determined by presence of absence of backlash. The only backlashing going on is on the Left outer fringes.

People are working. The economy is humming. Minority unemployment figures are a historic lows. Unless something extraordinary happens to our way of life in the next few months, its going to take more than whining about orange hair or accusations of ancient 'whoopie' to convince us to move left next November. Lots of grateful working folks will be going to polls out of fear; fear that if the left returns, so will the dismal economy.

Take it to the bank.






Effing right, baby.


You bethcha!

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