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Care and Concern? Is it a Religious or Philisophical Dogma?

Nevermind345 7 Apr 25

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Natural selection gave us mirror neurons to allow us to have empathy for others as it's a survival / cooperation advantage. Also it enables us to have empathy for our future selves, so that we can be disciplined / self denying for imagined future benefits. That's what allows us to take a bullet for our loved ones, too. Or for our country.

Religion of course is always happy to claim something as its own. When it comes to empathy, caring, morality, ethics, discipline, they claim to be the inventors and protectors of these things, but it's a bullshit claim.


No, it's a human emotion.


It's a human tendency that religion has tried to claim for its own. It's not a dogma, it's what people do. Philosophy has nothing to do with it, other than trying to explain it, or claim it for itself.

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