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I’ve pretty much been single since my ex wife wandered off in 2009. I’m fine with being alone, as I’ve grown accustomed to it. A year or two after she left, I made a conscientious decision that I wouldn’t, couldn’t, be with anyone that entertains the fairy tales in the Bible. I mean I won’t even date someone for merely believing in god.
Living in the US, this limits your options extremely. In fact, before joining this site I had only ever met ONE woman in this god forsaken shithole that was a self proclaimed atheist, and she was a crack head!?
I would rather die alone than be around any of the hocus pocus.
Y’all feel the same way out there in agnostic land? 🤷🏻♂️

Aaron70 7 May 16

Enjoy being online again!

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It's always the person. Crack heads will always find something to serve their crack-headedness whether it be religion or some other philosophy. Go deeper. I've known lovely Christians, Jews, atheists, nu-agers. Then I've known cracked Christians, Jews, atheists and nu-agers. It's how you take it in and have it serve you to either make you a better person or to serve your ego, your narcissism.

The aforementioned crack head I mentioned was an atheist. And when I say crack head, she was a junky…..🤔


There are many countries in the world my friend. And a lot of them are civilized and friendly, why not try travel, you may not find "the one" but it does give purpose to life and is perhaps the most fulfilling thing to do with your life after being in a relationship, or founding a charity.


Yes! I think that's why, on my dating profile, I specifically state I am agnostic/atheist, and avoid sky fairy believers like the plague. It's a good filter for me; it weeds out the crazies, for the most part. I also say "No Trumpers allowed!" So far I have not met "The One", but have made a few good friends. Good luck to you, and BTW, anyone who cooks like you do shouldn't have a whole lot of trouble! 🙂

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