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The example of Salvador Ramos killing 19 children as a member of "A well regulated Militia" (see the Second Amendment) shows that Congress is disastrously and culpably incapable of carrying out its duties under that Amendment. Welcome to the lawlessness of the New World!

anglophone 9 May 25

Enjoy being online again!

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He was not a member of any militia (now called the National Guard).

Texas and many other States must tighten their purchasing/licensing laws.


No shit it's Texas

bobwjr Level 10 May 25, 2022

I’ll take Texas over Delaware any day.


We have a very radical president and a radical democrap party. Surely your not suggesting I give up my guns in the face of this are you? If we have armed teachers in schools maybe we would have less school shootings. There needs to be somebody capable of shooting back.

@Matias An armed citizen is the only way to stop mass shootings. More gun regulation would be quite pointless and would accomplish nothing.
I never said the kids should be armed but you gun control nuts always use well publicized mass shootings to push your radical gun control agenda on lawful gun owners.

@Matias There’s plenty of shootings that were stopped


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