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No Variant is as Deadly as the Standard American Diet & Lifestyle - []

BDair 8 May 27

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American national meal is a hamburger, fries and a coke. Can a vaccine cure this?


Standard American Lifestyle And Diet ( SALAD ).


Diet is the single most important predictor of health. This is a fact whether you, your family, or the government want to believe it.

Yet, the CDC, despite claiming to follow the science, has never recommended lifestyle changes to lower individual risk of COVID-19.

This is the greatest disservice of our generation.

BDair Level 8 May 27, 2022

I've never had a doctor ask me about my diet when I had a health problem. They never discuss it. With all the chemicals, especially glyphosate in our food
and the garbage in our air and water, it's surprising any of us live beyond age 30

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